Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic

Various Projects, Cleveland, OH

Cleveland Clinic is the hub of a robust health system that also includes nine hospitals as well as affiliated family health and ambulatory surgery centers in northeast Ohio. Tsoi Kobus Design has been engaged with Cleveland Clinic on a range of projects over several years.

Key Features

  • A 2001 plan to expand Hillcrest Hospital, the system’s premier regional hospital, to include new beds, a modernized OR and central processing, comprehensive imaging facilities, and improved patient/visitor circulation.
  • A 2006 Master Plan that provides a framework for the short- and long-term evolution of Cleveland Clinic’s densely developed 1,300-bed main campus and includes recommendations for consolidation and expansion of the regional system, which comprises more than 2,800 beds.
  • A 2009 North Ambulatory Site Study that explored growth and access opportunities for the Cancer and Neurological Institutes and related impact on the long-term development of the campus.
  • A 2009 study that addressed growing demand for inpatient services on Cleveland Clinic’s main campus.
  • A 2010 program for the expansion of the Cancer Institute’s outpatient and research programs.